The biceps brachii may be the source for tendonitis at your inner elbow, or for shoulder pain. It may even mimic a bursitis in your shoulder.
If you are a craftsman or an ambitious athlete you may suffer from trigger points, or tender areas in this muscle. Of course, other people can also suffer from these points.
As you can see in the two pictures below, pain created by trigger points in your biceps brachii can radiate down to your elbow and to the front of your shoulder.
You even might experience pain at the side of your shoulder and/or your upper back.
This way your biceps may contribute to
The intensity of the red areas indicates how common pain in the respective zone is experienced when trigger points are present. The darker the red, the more common the pain is.
If you suffer from trigger or tender points in this muscle, or if it is just very tight you might have difficulties and/or pain when…
The biceps has two muscle bellies. That is why it is named Biceps. There is a long one, the caput longum and a short one, the caput breve.
It has two attachment points at the shoulder, and one at the forearm.
The biceps´ best known function is the flexion of the elbow.
When in a flexed position, the biceps brachii also supinates the hand, that is, it turns the palm upwards.
Furthermore, the short head – caput breve – of the biceps elevates the arm. The long head – caput longum – abducts the arm and rotates the shoulder inwards/medially.
Certain activities and movements may lead to trigger points in the biceps.
If you are an athlete, especially a climber, swimmer or someone who exerts heavy throws – e.g. Baseball player –, you need to take care of this muscle.
Strong and/or repetitive supination of the hand, which occurs, for example, when torqueing a reluctant screw, can cause trouble.
If you are not used to these movements, or if you are not in a balanced muscular state, your biceps might cause problems.
Finding this muscle is a no-brainer. Just pinch the muscle at the front of your upper arm and you will have the biceps brachii between your fingers.
For the massage you can use a ball against a wall.